

Flag – a technical term used in the porcelain industry

The porcelain liner refers to the pronounced edge of an article as the rim  , usually also called the plate rim for plates. The flag is the namesake of the technical term  flag plate. Relief plates  usually only have a refined, i.e. a relief rim. The industry makes a literal distinction between narrow-rimmed plates – i.e. plates with a very small rim – and rimmed plates, which have a very wide rim.

The opposite of the flag is the  coupe shape , although the flag itself is rarely referred to as a flag shape. The chef and waiter rightly refer to the flag as the edge of the plate  . 

On the other hand, the ordinary porcelain liner does not know the rule of the white brigade. The edge of the plate belongs to the guest! So it should be translated for the porcelain liner:  The flag belongs to the guest – only nobody understands that.  

The rim of a plate surrounds the so-called  mirror .

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